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English Books on Personal Development
by Davi Arbelo

THE BOOKS WAR: How to make money with books

Find out how you can make money on the internet with books, digital books, audiobooks or even ghostwriting

No need to be in doubt, come with what you have, DON'T LET THE BOOKS INSIDE YOU END UP IN THE CEMETERY...
Book - How to make money with books, as a writer, or ghostwriter

Here you can find books on personal development
by the writer Davi Arbelo.

AFRO - ENTREPRENEURS: The Mighty economic Moviment

Afro-entrepreneurs is the first book in the series focusing on black entrepreneurship. In this first book, the writer takes a look at Afro-entrepreneurship, showing that it goes far beyond entrepreneurship.
“Many people don't understand that there is a difference between these two terms. Like most, I didn't understand it either, until I was invited to be part of a network of black entrepreneurs”...

YOU' RE - Build a powerful Self image

Build a powerful self-image, increase your self-image, improve your self-esteem, your self-esteem and they will bear witness to what you are aware of being.
This is not a topic we usually study, we allow this knowledge to develop naturally through osmosis.
Little do we know that we lose a lot when we use this form of learning...

THE MASTERMIND STRATEGY: Being part of the right network can accelerate your results

The Mastermind Strategy is a manual on how to create a group of Minds, better known as the Mastermind.
He talks about the importance of a Master Mind group, how to create, manage, price, and some techniques employed.
In addition to bringing the main benefits, and the best known examples of groups of Minds in history and in Brazil...

The love is like onion: Love is also personal development too

Teach love because that is what you are. The consciousness of love is the cure for the ills of the world.
From it, the leap of faith transcends science and everything linear and logical.
Love is not an emotion, nor is it a reason, it is a state of Being that is beyond the palpable and descriptive...

99 SHEEP: A dialogue About Self-knowledge

The book is a fictional tale based on the personal development of Davi Arbelo. The book 99 sheep is a dialogue about self-knowledge, the first book in the expansion dialogues series, it brings as a background the story of catatumbo, it is based on the first 10 episodes of the catatumbopod podcast by Davi Arbelo. Each episode had the story of a child who would be someone who was born under conditions that would indicate that he was born to do something great in the world...

The journey of the soul in the word: A dialogue on spirituality

Coming Soon

FEITH THE MUSTARD SEED AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW - Faith, imagination and the power of the word

Coming Soon

THE WOLF: How to develop Social Skills

There is an invisible pattern that practically few can see. But if you look closely you will see that those who do succeed will be successful in relationships, in business, and at work.
They are generally good communicators, have a certain charisma and are able to stand out in social interactions...

THE LANGUAGENS OF DIVINE LOVE: The therapy of divine love that elevates being in consciousness

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Love, and the Word was love. He was in the beginning with divine Love. All things were made through him, and without him nothing was made that was made that was made.
Everything that exists was made out of love, love drives the being to act without ceasing. Love is the creative energy that sustains everything, it is what prevents the world from becoming a tomb.
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